We’re both back this week to bring you more low quality coverage of high quality topics. Javvad, spurred on by the threat of being permanently replaced by a rock, really adds some good insights to the topics this week.
We discuss the documents leaked from the Intel portal and the risks associated with the supply chain: https://www.zdnet.com/article/intel-investigating-breach-after-20gb-of-internal-documents-leak-online/
We then continue on to chat about the impact of leaked documents from the UK government: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-russia-hack-exclusive/exclusive-papers-leaked-before-uk-election-in-suspected-russian-operation-were-hacked-from-ex-trade-minister-sources-idUKKBN24Z1UL
Finally, we discuss the unprotected Zoom hearing for the Twitter hacker, which allowed all participants to screen share, and how nobody could have possibly predicted that it might be impacted by shenanigans: https://www.itpro.co.uk/software/video-conferencing/356680/teenage-twitter-hackers-virtual-trial-is-zoom-bombed
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